Summer Fun at AVANCE!

“A-B-C, 1-2-3 Reading is Fun for Me”


Our Summer Nutrition & Literacy program was a spectacular success! A total of 68 children and 55 parents learned new healthy messages and literacy concepts over 5 weeks using educational curriculum from the H-E-B Read 3 program. The program also brought other highlights, such as a family field trip to our neighborhood H-E-B Plus! store for a scavenger hunt, nutritional cooking demonstrations, and new books for the families to take home each week with the pledge to read at least 3 times during the week! Learn more about our other programs.
Nutritional Recipes
Each week, friends from our local H-E-B on Riverside Drive, Gloria and Alex, stopped by to teach our moms how to prepare the treats they love in a healthier way, using wholesome ingredients.
Find more HEB Read 3 recipes  like this nutritious take on Aguas Frescas with Frozen Berries.
Recipes include:
  •  Apple Turkey Wraps
  •  Easy Trail Mix
  •  Melon y Calabacito Pico de Gallo
  •  Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Learning About Nutrition Using All 5 Senses!

Families actively engaged while listening to Ms. Carolina reading a book, “Growing Vegetable Soup,” about how seeds are planted and grown into the vegetables we use every day in our meals. Then the children explored the textures of different vegetables and compared colors, sizes, and shapes. Everyone then enjoyed a deliciously homemade vegetable soup with an amazing  aroma that filled the entire room! At the end of the day, families were able to take home recipes to recreate the nutritious yet delicious meal.